Saturday, August 21, 2010

This Ground Zero Mosque Business

I'm past tired about this, it should be a no-brainer. No mosque should be built adjacent to Ground Zero.  New York already has lots of mosques.  If it's so important that another one has to be built, can they find absolutely no other place in the country's largest city?

It's ridiculous, dishonest, and direct slap to all Americans, not just 9/11 families.

What's even more ridiculous are the proponents  who belittle those of us who have the guts to call this what it is. 
"Oh, you can't see the emperor's new clothes?  Then you must be an idiot, and a redneck hick, and, oh yeah, you're a racist against tailors... "  Yeah right.

They follow the playbooks of Saul Alinsky and Joseph Goebbels to the letter.

1 comment:

  1. It's a little weird that the Imam wouldn't have a meeting with the Gov. You'd think, in the interest of community harmony, that they'd be willing to listen to alternatives.
