Saturday, August 28, 2010

Beer Tasting, August 26, 2010

The first week of school seemed really long , and I was ready for a recharge. I was looking forward to the Reserve Tasting of seasonal kegs at the Gingerman on August 26th. I’d been anticipating this for a month, but as luck would have it, I had a “Meet the Teacher” Night that got penciled in that same evening. However, fortune smiled on me and I was able to get from one side of Dallas to the other in fast time by catching a streak of greenlights.

As for the beers sampled, I have to say I hope they’re all still available by this Sunday. My favorite was “Festina Peche,” by the Dogfish Head Brewery of Delaware. It was a Berliner Weisse—a slightly sour wheat beer with a shot of peach syrup. Really good and only 4.5% a.b.v (alcohol by volume).

My next very close favorite was the Allagash “Four”—a dark Belgian style quadrupel ale from the Allagash Brewery in Maine. It’s fermented four times (hence the name), with four malts, four sugars, and four types of yeast. The taste? A little thick,like a barley wine, but very smooth. At 10% a.b.v. though, you won’t be slamming this one. Maybe one before bedtime and you’ll sleep like a baby.

Also on the table was…

Harpoon Pott’s “Landbier, “ from their brewery in Boston – a Vienna style Lager: medium styled brownish lager(4.8% a.b.v.) Pretty good stuff.

Harpoon “Triticus”—a barley wine (11.5% a.b.v.) Very good , a little stronger than I care for. I like the Allagash better. The word Triticus is Latin for wheat. I must have asked that question somewhere in the evening. Seems like one could get in trouble if they don’t pronounce it exactly right.

Last but not least, Real Ale “Empire” Ale, from their Blanco, Texas, Brewery. It’s a stronger than average IPA (6.6% a.b.v.), but not as hoppy tasting as it might otherwise could be. A very good beer overall.

Stay thirsty my friends.


  1. Man, Howard, you sure know a lot about beers. I think I need to develop my taste buds because, to be honest, I really wish I could distinguish subtle taste differences. Maybe it's just that I've never had a really good beer.

  2. Hey, Denver has a collection of microbreweries. Try Wynkoop... Also, they have a beer festival in September sometime. I was going to go to it this year, but my wife put the brakes on that, since I'm doing several Oktoberfests in my area...
