Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sports Thoughts, Aug. 17/10

Thoughts about the last week's PGA Championship...

A-- That course, Whistling Straits, is about the hardest I've ever seen, with a 151 slope rating (a system devised by the USGA to rank difficulty of a golf course). By comparison, the hardest course I've played was 137 (Fossil Creek) and the easiest was New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell, NM (116).

B-- While Whistling Straits is not a private course, it's green fees are exorbitant... $340 before twilight times, and they make you rent a caddy before twilight for $60 more.  After twighlight, the fee drops to $230. Still too rich for my blood.  Bottom line, I won't be playing there anytime soon.

C-- I'll be shocked if Tiger ever wins another major.  Why? The other players don't get scared by him anymore. Especially the younger ones.

Texas Rangers Sunday afternoon game 8/15/10

A-- What idiot schedules a starting time for 2 PM in Texas, in August?
B-- What idiot pays for tickets and sits in triple-digit Farenheit for 3 hours to watch that game? 
Mike Leach's new gig--

So Mike Leach has been hired by CBS to be a college football commentator.  I predict he'll last one season.  He's bound to say something too over-the-top.  That's what happens when networks hire these guys who shoot from the lip (Dennis Miller, Rush Limbaugh).  At least he'll make some much needed cash to pay his lawyers a bit from his ongoing court case against Texas Tech.

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